
Quickly find the most relevant content for your clients.

Create the most effective campaign for your clients with an easy-to-use search tool. Find the best local, regional, and national programming — both cable and broadcast. Programming is verified so you know it’s up-to-date and accurate, including sports, seasonal, and custom packages.

Key Benefits
Find Icon
Find relevant content easily
Add to Icon
Seamlessly add to proposal
Create Package Icon
Create customizable packages

Easily evaluate viewership for the audiences, networks and outlets you care about.

We support Nielsen, Comscore and other data sources with flexible models for each data type. Dive deep into research using Rank, Trend, Daypart Analysis or Audience Composition reports.

Key Benefits
Report Icon
General overviews and detailed analysis
Data source icon
Support for multiple data sources
Add to Proposal Icon
Seamlessly add to proposal

Tailored proposals that get the green light from your client.

Proposals are easily generated from your programming and research selections, including editable rate cards. Quickly customize your proposal through an intuitive interface to give your clients the level of detail they need.

Key Benefits
Puzzle Icon
Quickly integrate with 3rd party systems
Campaigns Icon
Support simple and complex campaigns
Proposal Icon
Tailor proposals to audiences, networks, and outlets

A streamlined order workflow from creation, to approval, to fulfillment.

With your proposal approved, your campaign moves easily to order. Both the details and the entire order management workflow are automated, ensuring accuracy and making approval steps more efficient. Plus, there’s seamless integration with traffic systems and other 3rd party tools like creative management.

Key Benefits
Workflow Icon
Automate your workflows
Multiple Icon
Integrate with multiple traffic systems
Collaboration Icon
Facilitate collaboration between teams

Real-time results to analyze campaigns and easily compare to your initial goals. 

Track results and compare with your goals in real time. Integrate proposal goals into pacing reports, eliminating manual data entry and errors. Plus, easily pull multi-order reports by sales person, sales office, client, or agency.

Key Benefits
Reporting Flexibility Icon
Reporting flexibility
Real-time analytics icon
Real-time analytics
Multiple data source icon
Support for multiple data sources

Manage creative associated with the orders in a simple, streamlined process. 

Control different commercial lengths, commercial rotations, and creative statuses. It's everything you’d expect, but Pilot Creative takes it to another level allowing traffic and sales to easily communicate. 

Key Benefits
Multiple creative lengths and types icon
Support multiple creative lengths and types 
Ad Icon
Easily manage complex ad rotations
Add to Order icon
Seamlessly add to order

Curious about what's next?

Contact us today for a personalized live demo.