October 15, 2024
With Lisa Weber, Director of Design
What inspired your career in tech?
I’ve always been a mix of left and right brain, which led me to study graphic design and marketing. I loved the blend of creativity and strategy. Over the years, I fell in love with product design for its fluidity. Unlike print, it’s never set in stone, and the chance to constantly iterate and improve keeps me excited about the work.
When it comes to developing software, what do you think is most important?
Communication—with your team and with your users. It sounds so simple but can be quite a challenge in the everyday life of deadlines and working async.
What's the most rewarding part of your job at ShowSeeker?
My biggest rewards come from people—whether it's hearing how Pilot has made a user’s job easier or sharing a laugh over something silly with a coworker.
What's your favorite feature or part of Pilot you have worked on?
This year has been full of amazing design challenges. We are entering into the advanced space which brings on a whole host of features. Stay tuned, you won’t want to miss it.
How do you see Pilot evolving in the next few years?
I see Pilot continuing to reshape the ad sales landscape, making it easier and more efficient for users to manage their campaigns. It will become a household name in this space.
What's one piece of advice you would give to others looking to work in tech?
Bring a sense of humility to your work. You’re not going to know everything and when you’re vulnerable enough to reach out for help, that’s when the collaboration magic can happen.
If you could have any superpower to help you at work, what would it be?
The ability to summon a little user voice that pops into my ear with real-time feedback while I design—like a helpful backseat driver. It would make the process more efficient and ensure user-centered decisions at every step.
Outside of work, tell us about your passions, hobbies, or just things you enjoy.
Because I’m behind a computer all day, I love to create with my hands in my free time. For instance, making mini books for my tiny bookshelf to capture my reads or turning cardboard into a giant pirate ship for one of my three kids’ birthday parties.